Monday, June 8, 2015

Walker Pass To Lone Pine

Walker Pass was the last stop before the Kennedy Meadows and Kennedy Meadows is known as the end of the desert! I woke up after resting at Walker Pass to a scorpion under Whole Roll's sleeping bag. I hiked the next three days through brutal heat to get to Kennedy Meadows. Most of the sections were burnt down by forest fires and was really sad to walk through. About five miles before Kennedy Meadows we hit a massive river and followed that all the way to camp. Four miles before the Meadows I ran into a rattlesnake into the bushes. I had my headphones in and was moving fast so by the time I saw it, the snake was striking at my leg. I was lucky enough to step on its head and I cut it off before it got a chance to wiggle out!
Kennedy Meadows was an awesome place to rest. Everyone played Frisbee golf, relaxed, and ate. I pushed on out of Kennedy Meadows and came over a 5000ft. hill and saw a massive meadow surrounded by mountains. Ever since I have been climbing huge mountains and dipping into low valleys. I have seen so many awesome views every day and have had amazing camps every night. My favorite part of the Sierras has been the solitude. Hikers are dropping off and we aren't going by towns anymore. I have to hike 5-10 miles off trail before I hit a side road into a campground. I have had so much time to reflect and enjoy the nature.

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